ohhmyhead: IMG_0925
ohhmyhead: IMG_0943
ohhmyhead: IMG_0977
ohhmyhead: IMG_1059
ohhmyhead: theron and carlyn
ohhmyhead: IMG_1061
ohhmyhead: IMG_1080
ohhmyhead: Jen did a design on a floor sample
ohhmyhead: Steve's dremelled rock
ohhmyhead: Mac, carving
ohhmyhead: IMG_3258
ohhmyhead: making some finishing touches
ohhmyhead: 3D Printed Spark.io Diffuser
ohhmyhead: CRASHspace Shop Two sign
ohhmyhead: CRASHspace Library sign
ohhmyhead: jen and i making robots
ohhmyhead: jen and i making robots
ohhmyhead: jen and i making robots
ohhmyhead: CRASH meeting
ohhmyhead: newly painted CRASH Space