ohhmyhead: design sketch
ohhmyhead: initial prototype
ohhmyhead: initial prototype
ohhmyhead: mechanism
ohhmyhead: testing resonating chamber shapes
ohhmyhead: full-size prototype resonating chamber construction
ohhmyhead: design sketch
ohhmyhead: full-size prototype resonating chamber construction
ohhmyhead: wooden ball and socket joint
ohhmyhead: design sketch
ohhmyhead: clamps!
ohhmyhead: the frame is starting to come together
ohhmyhead: making some finishing touches
ohhmyhead: making some finishing touches
ohhmyhead: IMG_1580
ohhmyhead: the hexachord in action
ohhmyhead: IMG_1113
ohhmyhead: IMG_1018
ohhmyhead: scotch yoke mechanism
ohhmyhead: rigging up the motor
ohhmyhead: IMG_1125
ohhmyhead: IMG_1068
ohhmyhead: face with attaching pegs
ohhmyhead: color-coordinated hexachord knobs
ohhmyhead: mechanism - chamber "on"
ohhmyhead: mechanism - chamber "off"
ohhmyhead: back side of the face
ohhmyhead: scotch yoke mechanism
ohhmyhead: friction stop
ohhmyhead: sound chamber, pre-stain