hecpara: You fall, you die in beauty. (Kalalau Valley)
hecpara: Continental shift, to island form (Waimea Canyon)
hecpara: Rust is a sign of character (Lydgate Beach)
hecpara: A curse turns to luck (sun halo flying into Kauai)
hecpara: The 70s called, they want their airport back (flying out of LAX)
hecpara: Avalanche!!! (Queen's Bath, Polihale)
hecpara: Straw that broke the camel's back (Pihea Trail)
hecpara: Great beauty is often chained up (NE side of Kauai)
hecpara: Steps to liberation (Lydgate Beach)
hecpara: Serenity in anxiety (Flying from LAX to Kauai)
hecpara: All to my lonesome (Queen's pond)
hecpara: All mixed up (Polihale Beach)
hecpara: From Zen to madness (Na Pali Mountains)
hecpara: And so it begins... (Polihale, Na Pali)
hecpara: I'm off to see the wizard... (Pihea Trail)
hecpara: Valley of death (Pihea Trail)
hecpara: Skip the walk, board for life (Pihea Trail)
hecpara: Lay with the might of 1000 pillows (Alakai Swamp Trail)
hecpara: Step step, with your two steps, go (Alakai Swamp Trail)
hecpara: Melt the sand and the snow (Pihea)
hecpara: A roll down this hill would be paid in DEATH (Kalalau Valley)
hecpara: All roads lead to...hey why is there hay on my damned road??
hecpara: Jump right in (Menehune Fishpond)
hecpara: Just when you thought you didn't need a mirror (Port of Kauai)
hecpara: You saved my life, man.
hecpara: You know who is the boss around here (Cocks in Kauai)
hecpara: Belly up to the clouds (Na Pali Coast)
hecpara: Stick together and all will be well (National Tropical Botanical Gardens)