ohsarahrose: Leaving a pretty good looking Wellington #roadtrip @andrewfalloon
ohsarahrose: 17. (rose gold) time #febphotoaday
ohsarahrose: 17. Contrast. Rain & sun #febphotoskill #roadtrip
ohsarahrose: Road trip hair
ohsarahrose: Apocalyptic weather
ohsarahrose: It's like this crazy weather is following us
ohsarahrose: And now it's fine. I don't trust it
ohsarahrose: That's not my name
ohsarahrose: I guess there are worse places in the world
ohsarahrose: 18. Documentary 2 #febphotoskill
ohsarahrose: 18. Drink #febphotoaday
ohsarahrose: Brunch before we hit the road. Again.
ohsarahrose: The Desert Road is calm today
ohsarahrose: 19. Freeze action #febphotoskill
ohsarahrose: 19. Something I hate to do: unpack #febphotoaday
ohsarahrose: a road trip staple
ohsarahrose: Crazu clouds
ohsarahrose: Rain and Sun
ohsarahrose: So much rain on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road
ohsarahrose: Apocalypric weather on the Desert Road