OGNelson: Bug bits and cuke vine
OGNelson: Vertebra
OGNelson: Metal circle from the Vermillion River
OGNelson: Blasting caps dangerous
OGNelson: Snail OL
OGNelson: Slug crazy
OGNelson: snail, closeup
OGNelson: slugs and snail again
OGNelson: slugs ganging up on a snail
OGNelson: Bugs and tendrils
OGNelson: Skull, scanned
OGNelson: Vermillion River mystery, side 2
OGNelson: Sputum Tube, Harrison, ID
OGNelson: Sputum Tube Inside, Harrison, ID
OGNelson: Shoveling Skeletons
OGNelson: Alphabet I
OGNelson: Alphabet II
OGNelson: Type Specimen I
OGNelson: 300! (For Brian)
OGNelson: Bugs and Vines (and a tooth)
OGNelson: Salvator Mundi (1553)
OGNelson: Spell "cobra"
OGNelson: Dancing Dead
OGNelson: Ecce Homo (Man of Sorrows)
OGNelson: Edsel, 1958
OGNelson: Stuntman I
OGNelson: Jake the Rapper
OGNelson: How to Bowl
OGNelson: Leica, scanned
OGNelson: Leica lens cap with bits of bugs