Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Mountain Verditer Flycatcher Bird on Banana Leaf with Label
Oggie Ramos: Pied Fantail Maria Capra on Marker in Scip Park Horizontal Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Eurasian Tree Sparrow Hanging Sideways Sycip-Park Makati
Oggie Ramos: Pied Fantail Side View Horizontal Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Pied Fantail Frontal Onground Closeup Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Sycip Park June Tree Sparrow Closeup Uncropped
Oggie Ramos: Sycip Park June Three Sparrow on a Tree Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Baler Yellow Vented Bulbul on Coconut Frond Vertical Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Little Pied Flycatcher Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Rock Thrush Horizontal Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Blue Rock Thrush on a Wire Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Island Thrush Profile Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Banaue Long tailed Shrike Closeup Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Banaue Long tailed Shrike Vertical Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Philippine Coucal Rear View Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Philippine Coucal Profile Closer Horizontal
Oggie Ramos: Banaue Sabukot Philippine Coucal Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Philippine Bulbul Alone On a Wire Horizontal Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Brown breasted Kingfisher
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Chestnut faced Babbler among Leaves Horizontal Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Closeup of Perched Little Pied Flycatcher Vertical
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Closeup of Little Pied Flycatcher Perched on Guava Tree Branch
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Colasisi 1 Jan 14 2019
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Colasisi Feeding Vertical Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Colasisi Perched Frontal Vertical Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Flowerpecker Profile Feeding
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Flowerpecker Vertical Closeup
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Grey Brown Bird for ID Jan 14 2019
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding Horizontal Closeup Little Pied Flycatcher on Guave Tree
Oggie Ramos: Maligcong Birding January 2019 Orange faced Babbler Vertical Panorama