Paul_ (shin.ogata): 別れの時 (Time to say goodbye)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): プレーリードッグ (Prairie dog)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): The Cuxa Cloister
Paul_ (shin.ogata): The Cuxa Cloister
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ユニコーン狩りのタペストリー (The Unicorn Defends Itself Tapestry)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ユニコーン狩りのタペストリー:部分 (The Unicorn Defends Itself: detail)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): Annunciation Triptych
Paul_ (shin.ogata): Christ Is Born as Man's Redeemer Tapestry
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ハドソン川を望む (Hudson River view)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ハドソン川を望む (Hudson River view)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): A Candle Stand
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ラクダの絵 (Wall Painting of a Camel)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript
Paul_ (shin.ogata): 毒のある樹 (Poisonous plant)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): トゲトゲの実? (Spined seed?)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): Roundel with Descent of the Damned
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ステンドグラス (Stained glass)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): The Cuxa Cloister
Paul_ (shin.ogata): The Cuxa Cloister
Paul_ (shin.ogata): Another E-P1
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ノラリス (a squirrel)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): 公衆便所? (Public Restroom?)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): オムレツとフレンチトースト (Omulette and French toast)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): フラワーアレンジメント (flower arrangements)
Paul_ (shin.ogata): New Leaf Restaurant
Paul_ (shin.ogata): Operated by Windows
Paul_ (shin.ogata): ニューヨーク初上陸 (My first NYC)