@tryjen: CJ's Charleston Field Trip
@tryjen: "It looks like a castle!"
@tryjen: CJ and his tour group
@tryjen: Bird on beach
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium
@tryjen: CJ and his tour group, avec turtle
@tryjen: Aforementioned turtle
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium Eel
@tryjen: Snaaaaaake
@tryjen: Snaaaaaake
@tryjen: Rescue Eagle
@tryjen: CJ touching things in the touch tank
@tryjen: CJ touching things in the touch tank
@tryjen: CJ touching things in the touch tank
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Turtle
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Diver
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Eely things
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Turtle
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Lobster
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Turtle
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium Aviary
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium Aviary; Redtail Hawk
@tryjen: South Carolina Aquarium; Alligator
@tryjen: USS Yorktown
@tryjen: USS Yorktown
@tryjen: Aboard the USS Yorktown
@tryjen: Aboard the USS Yorktown
@tryjen: Aboard the USS Yorktown
@tryjen: Aboard the USS Yorktown