@tryjen: Grammy and Merry
@tryjen: Mom and Malav
@tryjen: Justin, Eve, Tristan, Grammy
@tryjen: Tristan, my mom
@tryjen: My mom and CJ's 4th grade teacher, Don
@tryjen: Mom outside the piercing shop
@tryjen: Dave snaps on the latex
@tryjen: She's so excited
@tryjen: Piercing love
@tryjen: Dave isn't quite sure what to make of her
@tryjen: Piercing in progress
@tryjen: Freshly pierced
@tryjen: Grandmother and Granddaughter
@tryjen: Granddaughter and Grandmother
@tryjen: My baby
@tryjen: Meredith and her 2nd grade teacher
@tryjen: Meredith reads a story
@tryjen: Grammy reads a story
@tryjen: Yeah, that's my mom
@tryjen: The dude abides
@tryjen: Heads down!
@tryjen: CJ pretends to be hard at work
@tryjen: He loves his Grammy
@tryjen: CJ and Grammy
@tryjen: Wall Wood at the FCC
@tryjen: FCC Kitchen
@tryjen: Hoke, Ginny, flying flamingo
@tryjen: Mom and Meredith
@tryjen: Mom and Meredith enkitchened
@tryjen: Artsy Mer