@tryjen: It's all a blur
@tryjen: Drunk Thom
@tryjen: Thom is mounting
@tryjen: Thom is riding
@tryjen: Thom, and all his magnetism.
@tryjen: Thom's hand
@tryjen: He's full of eggrolls and wasabi
@tryjen: Korean dumpling stew
@tryjen: Durrrr
@tryjen: 10th Annual Pirate's Pub Crawl
@tryjen: www.foot-in-face.com
@tryjen: We went toe to toe.
@tryjen: Etch-a-Colonel
@tryjen: Reference art.
@tryjen: Margaret inks The Colonel
@tryjen: Colonel arm
@tryjen: Colonel, the day after
@tryjen: Colonel, fresh ink + 24hrs
@tryjen: Le Colonel
@tryjen: Travis, Thom