@tryjen: He loved her
@tryjen: Feets
@tryjen: Toeses
@tryjen: Ginny and Libby
@tryjen: five in my hand
@tryjen: That's my baby.
@tryjen: Biggest smile ever
@tryjen: Scenes from my couch
@tryjen: A rare moment
@tryjen: Nighttime katamari
@tryjen: Post-bath snuggles
@tryjen: Monkeys
@tryjen: 8th Birthday!
@tryjen: As Good As It Gets
@tryjen: Lei and Yoni embrace his mother
@tryjen: Dynamic Duo
@tryjen: Carrie and Malav
@tryjen: Oh, can you even stand it?
@tryjen: Comfort
@tryjen: We had a bit to drink
@tryjen: Peeky!
@tryjen: Meeting baby
@tryjen: Love.
@tryjen: Blue Steel
@tryjen: Graaaah!
@tryjen: Five
@tryjen: Early morning snuggles
@tryjen: Good Morning!
@tryjen: Leaving Las Vegas
@tryjen: John