compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Graham Gill.Jayne.Patrick Starling. London
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Graham Gill.John Roberts.Patrick Starling. London
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Graham Gill.Sixpence.Roberts.Jayne Cambridge
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
John Roberts Caroline North (1)
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
John Roberts Caroline North (2)
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
John Roberts RE.BR transmitters
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
John Roberts.RE.BR[2]
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Mike Ahern
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Olga Patricia (SRE-BR)
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Patrick Starling
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Radio England
compiled by Martin van der Ven and Hans Knot:
Stern Olga Patricia