offshorediver: release
offshorediver: open wide
offshorediver: let me go
offshorediver: camoflouge
offshorediver: avery island
offshorediver: off to the races
offshorediver: we have visitors
offshorediver: put me back
offshorediver: pose nice for the camera
offshorediver: its a soap dish
offshorediver: good boy
offshorediver: lights out
offshorediver: baby american alligator
offshorediver: swimming
offshorediver: floating
offshorediver: cherp cherp
offshorediver: so little
offshorediver: open wide
offshorediver: grrrrrrrr
offshorediver: thats a big peice of floss
offshorediver: open says me
offshorediver: big boy
offshorediver: good boy
offshorediver: who turned out the lights
offshorediver: big tail
offshorediver: back right foot
offshorediver: back right foot
offshorediver: front foot