off my front porch:
American Kestrel
off my front porch:
American Kestrel, Falco sparverius
off my front porch:
Wild Turkey Trott
off my front porch:
food fight.JPG
off my front porch:
Black Chinned Hummingbird © all rights reserved
off my front porch:
hummy back © all rights reserved
off my front porch:
off my front porch:
turkey trot3
off my front porch:
talking turkey © all rights reserved
off my front porch:
turkey trot 2 neighbors white turkey
off my front porch:
turkey trot
off my front porch:
Vulture Just Cruisin'
off my front porch:
Turkey Vulture
off my front porch:
off my front porch:
Better Upside Down perhaps
off my front porch:
Furry Friday Bird
off my front porch:
He's still around
off my front porch:
his lady????
off my front porch:
off my front porch:
Moma settled back on her nest!!
off my front porch:
Harry on the roof catching hell!!
off my front porch:
Getting Hell
off my front porch:
Western King Bird/ flycatcher nest this should be copyright H K Mosby
off my front porch:
Where is she, you give her the check book and a credit card, and you never see her again!!!!!
off my front porch:
Where the heck is that sun
off my front porch:
Ain't love grand there is someone for everyone
off my front porch:
Ain't love grand
off my front porch:
Honkers hangin' round this morning!
off my front porch:
Raven to Breakfast
off my front porch:
Cold Kestral