offmessage: FIRST DAY OF SKOOL!
offmessage: See. That's not really LEGO anymore, is it?
offmessage: This is literally from my 1997 Chambers dictionary. Literally.
offmessage: The Mirror today! The recipe photos inside look ace, too
offmessage: Current status
offmessage: Actual book in actual shop. Hard to express how exciting this feels :)
offmessage: This isn't exciting *at all*. Oh no.
offmessage: At least the day wasn't *entirely* wasted! /cc @versusg
offmessage: Came home to finds 4yr old son's first book waiting for me: Mr Strong and the Toilet #writer4eva
offmessage: It's sunny! (Let's just ignore the 30mph biting wind and subzero temperatures)
offmessage: Sums up the last 6 months, really...
offmessage: Chocolate tart, mark II. Still too "grown up", but well tasty.
offmessage: When did LEGO start shipping these with every kit? Kids these days don't know they're born...
offmessage: Chocolate Tart. Mindblowingly chocolatey. I believe Mr Hollywood would also be complimenting me on the firmness of my bottom.
offmessage: Battenburg. Blimey. Well faffy.
offmessage: Eclair. Just call me Master Patissier. Or something.
offmessage: Bakewell. Baked well.
offmessage: Double choc chip doesn't come close to covering these...
offmessage: Macaron, mofo!
offmessage: Guess who got a tiger costume for his birthday?
offmessage: Probably don't need to count these...
offmessage: Obligatory filtered foot shot
offmessage: Abigail and Andy's wedding was too much fun :)
offmessage: Schrödinger's beer: 40 pints of joy or 40 pints of vinegar? Unknowable for another 4 weeks
offmessage: Pumpkin C
offmessage: Pumpkin B
offmessage: Pumpkin A
offmessage: Best. Sandwich. Ever. Fact.
offmessage: Went looking for a LibDem newspaper. Was surprised by the Indy's top stories. Is that the best we can do?
offmessage: I am really rather excited by this: