Chelsea Football Club: CopaCocaColaCup_V3
Chelsea Football Club: meet & greet with players on the opening night
Chelsea Football Club: Meet & Greet 2
Chelsea Football Club: Meet and Greet 3
Chelsea Football Club: opening player
Chelsea Football Club: Andy Dart Welcoming speech
Chelsea Football Club: Touring the london sights
Chelsea Football Club: Touring the London sights (2)
Chelsea Football Club: Stadium Tour
Chelsea Football Club: Stadium tour 2
Chelsea Football Club: Coaching with Foundation coaches
Chelsea Football Club: Coaching with Foundation coaches (2)
Chelsea Football Club: The Final Match between Zambia and Nigeria
Chelsea Football Club: Finals day on the project pitch
Chelsea Football Club: Winners presentation with AVB
Chelsea Football Club: Winners photo with AVB and Di Matteo
Chelsea Football Club: Winning team
Chelsea Football Club: Winning captain
Chelsea Football Club: Runners up With AVB and Di Matteo
Chelsea Football Club: Algerian Dance
Chelsea Football Club: Congrats with foundatin coaches
Chelsea Football Club: Training day tour at Cobham
Chelsea Football Club: Freestylers at Gala final dinner
Chelsea Football Club: Freestylers at Gala final dinner 2
Chelsea Football Club: Winners at Gala dinner