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Sandy Hook - Spring 2010 by aka Buddy
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aka Buddy
Sandy Hook Rooftop Red-Winged Blackbird
aka Buddy
Sandy Hook NYC View
aka Buddy
Sandy Hook Lighthouse & Flag
aka Buddy
Sandy Hook North Beach Pavillion
aka Buddy
Sandy Hook Red-Winged Blackbird in the Dunes
aka Buddy
Sandy Hook Vanishing Point
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Gates
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Entrance
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Stairs
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Machine Gunner's Window
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Roof
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of Ft. Hancock
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Cattus
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse
aka Buddy
Battery Potter View
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Fort Flag
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Fort Flag
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Roof
aka Buddy
Sandy Hook Pan View of Beach & Atlantic Ocean
aka Buddy
Battery Potter Roof Gate
aka Buddy
Battery Granger Door
aka Buddy
Welcome to Battery Granger
aka Buddy
Battery Granger Bricks
aka Buddy
Battery Granger Rubble
aka Buddy
Battery Granger Corner
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