Feather as a Light:
dagger hakea (Hakea teretifolia) with elegant lynx spider (Oxyopes elegans)
Feather as a Light:
Feather as a Light:
Eriophora heroine?
Feather as a Light:
Austracantha minax
Feather as a Light:
Feather as a Light:
Eriophora heroine?
Feather as a Light:
Nephila plumipes?
Feather as a Light:
Austracantha minax
Feather as a Light:
Feather as a Light:
Eriophora heroine?
Feather as a Light:
orange-legged swift spider (Nyssus coloripes)
Feather as a Light:
prowling spider (Miturga sp.)?
Feather as a Light:
the huntsman that lives in our house
Feather as a Light:
leaf-curling spider (Phonognatha graeffei)
Feather as a Light:
leaf-curling spider (Phonognatha graeffei)
Feather as a Light:
golden orb weaver (Nephila edulis)
Feather as a Light:
garden orb weaver (Eriophora transmarina)