ofermod: Socially distant pigeon
ofermod: 20200314-FBL02066.jpg
ofermod: Urban Tendrils
ofermod: Urban Tendrils
ofermod: Tree lights
ofermod: Triangularistic
ofermod: S for safe
ofermod: Nearly empty
ofermod: Quiet Toronto
ofermod: 20200314-FBL02107.jpg
ofermod: No hugs for now
ofermod: Blue flames
ofermod: KITTEH
ofermod: Not sure I want to pick these up
ofermod: Trash panda
ofermod: Lightning and flame
ofermod: Door Koi
ofermod: 20200314-FBL02150.jpg
ofermod: Don't remember there being eye lasers
ofermod: Illuminati grafitti
ofermod: Masked for safety
ofermod: Artist and tools
ofermod: Deterioration
ofermod: Cubey Condo
ofermod: Waiting for transit