ofermod: St George Mill
ofermod: Old Mill stone
ofermod: Doggy bike rack
ofermod: Brown Dog Coffee Shop
ofermod: St George Mill
ofermod: St George Mill
ofermod: Wall bike
ofermod: Dickson/Cambridge Mill
ofermod: Dickson/Cambridge Mill
ofermod: Coffee Service
ofermod: Arrow hinges
ofermod: Dickson/Cambridge Mill
ofermod: Pigeons on a line
ofermod: Dickson/Cambridge Mill
ofermod: Dickson/Cambridge Mill
ofermod: Old Cambridge ruins
ofermod: Old gearworks
ofermod: Plants in the rain
ofermod: Old walls, now a fence
ofermod: The Grand River
ofermod: Central Presbyterian Church
ofermod: Tree, Lamp, and Foundation
ofermod: Sheave Tower
ofermod: Sheave Tower
ofermod: Shot from the road
ofermod: Hespler Furniture Co.
ofermod: Hespeler Mill
ofermod: Spires beyond the ruins
ofermod: Darnley Gristmill
ofermod: Keenur!