ofermod: Look, It's Mandeep
ofermod: Look, it's Mandeep
ofermod: Spot the Mandeep in this picture
ofermod: Mandeep seated as director
ofermod: Mandeep prepares the pop
ofermod: Mandeep prepares the food
ofermod: Can Mandeep pass mustard?
ofermod: That's teamwork!
ofermod: Mohan's found a hair in his burger
ofermod: Mandeep enjoying lunch
ofermod: Mandeep enters from the left
ofermod: Spot the Mandeep
ofermod: Mandeep, where are you?
ofermod: Susan's mad that this shot has no Mandeep
ofermod: Everyone's looking for Mandeep
ofermod: Where could Mandeep have gone?
ofermod: Mandeep took this.
ofermod: Don't laugh. Mandeep's got the camera.
ofermod: Mandeep's posse
ofermod: MEN are cleaning up.
ofermod: Smokers' table.
ofermod: MEN are cleaning up.
ofermod: Mandeep inspects the cleanup.
ofermod: Mandeep directs the last of the cleanup.