öш: Phare de Gatteville
öш: *
öш: nature morte, nature vivante
öш: orchid
öш: @-->--
öш: profiled
öш: Eyes on me
öш: Phare de Gatteville II
öш: can't get enough of these waves
öш: waves, waves, waves
öш: another one
öш: ^
öш: the beauty of slide film
öш: _
öш: the beauty of slide film, continued
öш: on the rocks
öш: °°°
öш: upright
öш: Chartres
öш: An afternoon
öш: And suddenly: heavy rain
öш: m
öш: first frame
öш: when all the work is done
öш: Life on mars
öш: out of the dark
öш: *