öш: DSC__3767
öш: bicycle bokeh
öш: Say a little prayer
öш: An apple a sunday
öш: al porto
öш: DSC_0204
öш: Burn, Bern, burn!
öш: Man gave names to all the animals
öш: DSC_1998
öш: our
öш: I couldn't resist
öш: DSC_2958
öш: golden morning
öш: bokeh panorama
öш: @Egelsee
öш: analog vs. digital writing
öш: tea time
öш: have a seat ...
öш: ... read a book
öш: evening sun (reflected)
öш: rosemary
öш: Lubitel 2
öш: evening reflexions
öш: ready to ramble
öш: At the dinner
öш: Nikon full-frame
öш: The Light
öш: :)
öш: I.
öш: III.