Oersoep: Strike Plank preview
Oersoep: Dalv
Oersoep: Don't let Dalv get away
Oersoep: Launch fighters!
Oersoep: What did Dalv do then?
Oersoep: Our visitors want us to find out what Dalv did...
Oersoep: I told you we shouldn't stop for hitchhikers...
Oersoep: Next time we stop for a hitchhiker, check with the bridge crew!
Oersoep: Ready cannons to motivate Dalv to return
Oersoep: Ready cannons to motivate Dalv to return
Oersoep: Can I drive the rover?
Oersoep: Forward-command is scanning the planet surface
Oersoep: Operational command is hardly interested
Oersoep: I have a new suit for you!
Oersoep: Get your coffee and move out, soldier!
Oersoep: Coffee check! Snack next
Oersoep: What tripped the alarm?
Oersoep: I feel as safe as a cookie would on a coffee-convention; are you sure you are helping me?
Oersoep: I heard about some awful interrogation techniques...
Oersoep: So this is the poetry appreciation lounge?
Oersoep: Do you mind me dunking in this flask and fill it up?
Oersoep: The green ooze originates from this level then...
Oersoep: What is that naked spaceman doing there?
Oersoep: We'll make this boring black base a joyful grey and blue beauty
Oersoep: Bring the Artifact!
Oersoep: When your sick of driving the bumpy land...
Oersoep: When you need a place to hide...
Oersoep: When you need a robot-arm because you ar not going to touch that filthy alien thing yourself...
Oersoep: Classic space rovers have it all! And they come in cool packages...
Oersoep: Strange company