Oeros: In de kersenboomgaard
Oeros: The dog is not allowed in the house
Oeros: mountain of gold
Oeros: bicho
Oeros: IMG_0042.JPG
Oeros: IMG_0051.JPG
Oeros: under the fig tree
Oeros: stoere auto in stoer landschap
Oeros: IMG_0065.JPG
Oeros: 2 dogs
Oeros: cherries
Oeros: Cherries
Oeros: picking cherries
Oeros: Caper plant!!!
Oeros: Tora in the shade
Oeros: Caper flower
Oeros: caper flower
Oeros: Vasia
Oeros: IMG_0103.JPG
Oeros: 2 dogs
Oeros: Brem
Oeros: Brem 2
Oeros: Infiorata
Oeros: Infiorata
Oeros: Infiorata
Oeros: Infiorata
Oeros: Infiorata
Oeros: IMG_0128.JPG
Oeros: flower pattern
Oeros: mother with child