OE Global:
Copy of Treaty 6
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Teaching Circle
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Vowels on the Teaching Circle
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The Story of Rivers
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Alan and Manisha
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Learning from Jeanien Bell
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Paul and Karen
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Treaty Promises
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Second Group Photo
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Group Photo
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Around the Circle
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Learning from Jeanien Bell
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Learning from Jeanien Bell
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Working the Hides
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This is Fun!
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Srcaping Hides
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Jeanien Bell on Scraping Hides
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Srcaping Hides
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Flames of Warmth
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Srcaping Hides
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Learning from Jeanien Bell
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Sampling the Seal Liquid
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A Taste of Seal?
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Seal Harpoon
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Teanding the Flame
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Caribou Bones
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Teanding the Flame
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Examining the Tools
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Learning from Jeanien Bell
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Burning Cotton in Oil