ayacata7: 001-Saul y la bruja de Endor© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 002- Requerimiento a una bruja-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 003- Bruja atacando al diablo-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 004- LLegada del Sabat-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 005- Partida para el Sabat-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 006- La bruja-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 007- La medianoche-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 008- Una bruja montada en una cabra-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 009- Sabat de las brujas-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 010- El conjuro-© The Trustees of the British Museum