ayacata7: 001- jarra de gres-entre 1520 y 1540-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 002-Jarra de cerveza-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 003-Jarra de cerveza 1715-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 004- Jarra de cerveza- -© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 005- Jarra de cerveza- Thomas Rowlandson-1800-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 006- Jarra-1670-1690- -© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 007-Jarra-1581--© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 008- Jarra para cerveza--© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 009-Jarra de cerveza- -© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 010-Jarra- Siegburg-1595-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 011-Jarra de cerveza-© The Trustees of the British Museum
ayacata7: 012-Jarra-Londres 1548-© The Trustees of the British Museum