ayacata7: 013-Instrumentos de musica de viento-Les harmonies du son et l'histoire des instruments de musique -1878
ayacata7: 015-Instrumentos de musica de percusion-Les harmonies du son et l'histoire des instruments de musique -1878
ayacata7: 012-Instrumentos de musica de cuerdas-Les harmonies du son et l'histoire des instruments de musique -1878
ayacata7: 014-Instrumentos de musica de viento 2-Les harmonies du son et l'histoire des instruments de musique -1878
ayacata7: 023-La banda del village-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 025-Inauguracion del Opera House de Paris-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 029-Mozart-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 018-Angel con Viola-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 031-Beethoven-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 024-Muchachos del Coro-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 034-El musico feliz-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 021-En honor de su eminencia-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 032-Richard Wagner-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 1-1895
ayacata7: 030-Mozart dirigiendo sus requiems-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 020-El Metropolitan Opera House de New York-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 026-El Menuet-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 019-Antes del ensayo-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 033-Maitines en la familia de Sebastian Bachs-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 028-El Minuet 2-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 022-Mucho tiempo sin noticias-The music of the modern world illustrated in the lives and works…Vol 2-1895
ayacata7: 001-Gaitas-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique 1921-William Gibb
ayacata7: 002-Olifante-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique 1921-William Gibb
ayacata7: 002-Laudes reina Elisabeth
ayacata7: 003-Organo positivo-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique
ayacata7: 004-Regal prototipo del harmonium-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique
ayacata7: 005-Dulcimer-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique
ayacata7: 006-Doble espinete-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique
ayacata7: 007-Citara de Stradivarius-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique
ayacata7: 008-Viola de Amore-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique
ayacata7: 009-Arpa campana y zanfona-Musical instruments, historic, rare and unique