ayacata7: 001-Tucan Araçari de Cayena-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 002- Araçari de doble collar-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 003-Araçari Curl con cresta-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 004-Oro verda Araçari-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 005- Araçari de pecho gris-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 006- Araçari Koulik-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 007- Araçari de muchas bandas-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 008- Araçari verde-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 009- Araçari letrado-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould
ayacata7: 010-Tucan de montaña pico negro-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 011- Tucan de cuello negro-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 012- Tucan de pico castaño-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 013-Tucan de pecho limon-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 014-Araçari de doble banda-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 015- Tucan ambiguo-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 016- Araçari Duquesa de Leuchtenberg-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 017- Araçari Azcara-Supplement of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans Gould John-1855
ayacata7: 018- Araçari Humboldt-A monograph of the Ramphastidae or family of Toucans-1834- John Gould