ayacata7: 012-Flores de la aurora-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 015-Rosa de abril-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 014-Margaritas y Delphinium-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 013-Madreselva-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 016-Rosas de octubre-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 019-Allongia-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 018-Violetas silvestres-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 017-Rosas en un bol Satsuma-The flowers I love 1917- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 001-La leyenda de la rosa de Navidad-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 002-La Santa doncella de Lucca-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 003-Domenica-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 004-Stella Maris-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 005-Pequeñas leyendas de la Virgen-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 006-Stellante-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 006a-Stellante-2-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 007-Marcial el jefe de ladrones-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 008-La tunica del angel-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 009-Un cuento de la antigua Florencia-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 010-La historia de la emperatriz Flavia-Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron
ayacata7: 011--Legends and stories of Italy for children 1909- Katharine Cameron