ayacata7: 009-Damas tocando el arpa y organillo siglo XIV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 001-Candelabros siglo XII-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 003-Báculo pastoral del Abad de Lis siglo XIII-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 002-Un caliz alrededor de 1290-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 005-Gilbert de Clare conde de Gloucester 1340 vitral de la abadia de Tewkesbury-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 004-Edward III-St. Sthephens Chapel Westminster 1355-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 011-Tocados del siglo XIV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 006-Geoffrey Chaucer 1402-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 007-La mitra Limerick 1408-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 023-Pirro recibiendo los honores de caballero- Tapiz siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 015-Cristina de Pisan presentando su libro a la reina de Francia principios del XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 020-La reina Margaret de Enrique VI y su corte mitad siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 018-Henry VI y su corte mitad siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 024-Proclamacion de un Torneo siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 017-Felipe el Bueno duque de Burgundy siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 010-Juglares 1480-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 022-Perigrinaje a Canterbury finales siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 026-Tiro al arco finales del siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 008-Un incensario 1470-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 014-Copa realizada por Andrea Mantegna finales siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 013-Copa estilo Niello finales siglo XV-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 019-Heraldos anunciando la muerte de Carlos VI a su hijo alrededor de 1500-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 012-Arthur principe de Wales-vitral iglesia Great Malvern 1502-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 025-Santa Ana- de una pintura de Lucas Van Leyden 1520-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 021-La reyna Filipa de Portugal alrededor de 1525-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw
ayacata7: 016-El Conde de Surrey 1560-Dresses and decorations of the Middle Ages 1843- Henry Shaw