Museum Odense: liftphoto1
Museum Odense: liftphoto2
Museum Odense: liftphoto3
Museum Odense: Before demolition starts
Museum Odense: The demolition team at work
Museum Odense: Demolition
Museum Odense: Demolition on the 26th of March 2010
Museum Odense: Asphalt is removed
Museum Odense: Almost ready
Museum Odense: The site is taking shape
Museum Odense: An overview of the excavation
Museum Odense: Overview over the excavation
Museum Odense: The site on the 13th of April 2010
Museum Odense: The excavation site on the 29th of April
Museum Odense: Another view over the excavation site
Museum Odense: The excavation on 29th of April
Museum Odense: View of the excavation
Museum Odense: Overview of the excavation - 28 April 2010
Museum Odense: The excavation - 28 April 2010
Museum Odense: View over the excavation
Museum Odense: Excavation at May 6 2010
Museum Odense: The excavation - May 6 2010
Museum Odense: Excavation view - May 6 2010
Museum Odense: May 6 2010
Museum Odense: A view of the excavation
Museum Odense: A pile of dirt
Museum Odense: Bricks from a 1800 house
Museum Odense: The end of the beaten earth floor
Museum Odense: Uncovering a beaten earth floor
Museum Odense: A wall