oddharmonic: Group photo before things got underway
oddharmonic: Moving the table to the truck
oddharmonic: Turning the table on end to load it top-down on the truck
oddharmonic: Loading the table onto the truck
oddharmonic: Unloading the table by the lake
oddharmonic: Carrying the table from the road to the trail
oddharmonic: Approaching the bridge
oddharmonic: Lost a Scout over the edge of the trail
oddharmonic: Preparing to cross the bridge with the table
oddharmonic: Marshalling the table carriers over the bridge
oddharmonic: Carrying the table down the boardwalk
oddharmonic: Preparing to turn the table right-side-up
oddharmonic: Turning the table right-side-up
oddharmonic: Lowering the now-righted table to the ground
oddharmonic: Moving the table into place
oddharmonic: Settling the table into the gravel
oddharmonic: Alexander
oddharmonic: Moving gravel at the end of the table
oddharmonic: Locking the table into place
oddharmonic: Inaugural use of the table
oddharmonic: Sitting on the truck for a group picture