oddharmonic: Licking the newborn elk clean
oddharmonic: Licking the newborn elk clean 2
oddharmonic: Licking the newborn elk clean 3
oddharmonic: Resting together
oddharmonic: Preparing to try standing
oddharmonic: Calf up on its knees
oddharmonic: First attempt: overbalanced
oddharmonic: The first magpie arrives to check things out
oddharmonic: Magpie, still checking things out
oddharmonic: Calf sniffing or nuzzling the mother
oddharmonic: Another attempt at standing
oddharmonic: Resting together 2
oddharmonic: Mother elk vocalizing or yawning
oddharmonic: Photobombed by a magpie again
oddharmonic: Another standing attempt
oddharmonic: Resting together again, this time with the magpie
oddharmonic: Successfully standing elk calf!
oddharmonic: Wobbly-legged but still standing
oddharmonic: Turning around after standing
oddharmonic: Calf standing in profile
oddharmonic: Calf standing in profile 2
oddharmonic: Being licked some more by its mother
oddharmonic: Up and walking
oddharmonic: Standing next to its mother
oddharmonic: Nursing calf elk