oddharmonic: Juvenile male elk hanging out on the golf course
oddharmonic: The last vestiges of snow along the lake
oddharmonic: The last of the snow up close
oddharmonic: Canada Goose
oddharmonic: Looking across the lake toward Bear Mountain
oddharmonic: Stopped for a scone and drinks
oddharmonic: Looking across the lake
oddharmonic: Returning the evil eye
oddharmonic: Elk snacking on tree buds
oddharmonic: Looking toward the lakehouse
oddharmonic: Mallards 1
oddharmonic: Mallards 2
oddharmonic: Mallards 3
oddharmonic: Plaque at Evergreen Dam
oddharmonic: Laurel looking at the dam
oddharmonic: Looking south down the dam
oddharmonic: Caution: Water Department working
oddharmonic: Water coming over the dam
oddharmonic: Laurel communes with the water
oddharmonic: Laurel talking to ducks
oddharmonic: Wilmot Creek