oddharmonic: The museum's front door
oddharmonic: Laurel in the back of the fire engine
oddharmonic: Stepping down from the truck
oddharmonic: Laurel pretending to drive the firetruck
oddharmonic: Austin in the driver's seat
oddharmonic: Maria slides down the fire pole
oddharmonic: Austin sliding down the fire pole
oddharmonic: Boots on display
oddharmonic: Radiator detail
oddharmonic: If I had a lamp like this, it would make noise.
oddharmonic: The little ones watching Laurel's puppet show
oddharmonic: Playing with toy tools
oddharmonic: Playing on the computers in the children's gallery
oddharmonic: Looking out the window
oddharmonic: Things got a little hairy
oddharmonic: ...then they got even hairier
oddharmonic: The mock house evacuation
oddharmonic: A stunning example of the aftermath of smoking in bed
oddharmonic: Fire truck dashboard
oddharmonic: Austin pretending to drive
oddharmonic: Maria pretending to drive
oddharmonic: Laurel leaning on the window
oddharmonic: Laurel holding the fire hose
oddharmonic: Austin, Laurel and Maria
oddharmonic: Maria loved the mailslot.