oddharmonic: Austin's holiday portrait
oddharmonic: The boys sword-fighting
oddharmonic: Swordfighting with Grandma
oddharmonic: Goosing (a plush) Santa
oddharmonic: I guess this was not a Zombie Santa.
oddharmonic: Madrigal Dinner performer
oddharmonic: Madrigal Dinner fountain
oddharmonic: Madrigal Dinner bazaar
oddharmonic: Madrigal Dinner horse
oddharmonic: Wolcum Yole
oddharmonic: My little buddy is a skilled tool-user
oddharmonic: Early Christmas present opening.
oddharmonic: Down with that sort of thing
oddharmonic: Little feet on the snowboard.
oddharmonic: Getting ready to help out.
oddharmonic: I would not give this child a hand tool.
oddharmonic: David preparing to jump off the roof.
oddharmonic: Fastening his bindings.
oddharmonic: Video: David jumping off the roof on a snowboard
oddharmonic: Video: David jumping off the roof on a snowboard 2
oddharmonic: Oh hai I am hogging the dining table to look at Facebook.
oddharmonic: Why didn't I know there were pre-assembled gingerbread houses before?
oddharmonic: Laurel decorating a gingerbread house
oddharmonic: Laurel's finished gingerbread house
oddharmonic: I bought it for the free tiara.
oddharmonic: Kids retrieving gifts
oddharmonic: I got a phone and made a dubious face.
oddharmonic: Laurel's Captain Underpants boxed set.
oddharmonic: Austin
oddharmonic: (not making a Captain Hammer joke here)