oddharmonic: Sweater twins!
oddharmonic: Bubby the feline hairdresser
oddharmonic: Two generations of Patriots fans
oddharmonic: Kevin's new camera: the 40D
oddharmonic: Meyer lemons
oddharmonic: Uncertain about quantum mechanics.
oddharmonic: Duck handprint quilt
oddharmonic: Laurel's diva pose
oddharmonic: They said on the news there would be snow.
oddharmonic: They Might Be Giants!
oddharmonic: After the snow, we got ice.
oddharmonic: My boy and his camera.
oddharmonic: Kevin
oddharmonic: Me on the playground.
oddharmonic: Looking over the top of my sunglasses
oddharmonic: Laurel and the Easter Bunny
oddharmonic: After the Easter Bunny, the cookies.
oddharmonic: The boys sleeping on the couch.
oddharmonic: Girls at the circus
oddharmonic: Plastic light sabers en masse
oddharmonic: Bo the elephant
oddharmonic: Preparing for the cannon blast
oddharmonic: Light roof damage
oddharmonic: Window and roof damage
oddharmonic: Anole on corner
oddharmonic: Laurel holding a FlyTech Dragonfly
oddharmonic: Making faces at the Dragonfly
oddharmonic: Poking the Dragonfly
oddharmonic: Laurel holding the Dragonfly
oddharmonic: She retrieved the Dragonfly