oddharmonic: Bob's BMT portrait
oddharmonic: 10th Mountain Division cross-country ski team (?)
oddharmonic: Cap'n Bob and a twisted tree
oddharmonic: Bob climbing El Popo
oddharmonic: Trekking up El Popo
oddharmonic: Closeup shot on Popo
oddharmonic: Trekking up El Popo
oddharmonic: Cap'n Bob and Martinez
oddharmonic: Huey taking off
oddharmonic: jump_parachutes
oddharmonic: Newborn Robert
oddharmonic: Bubbling infant Robert
oddharmonic: Robert's first birthday cake
oddharmonic: Robert's first birthday candle
oddharmonic: Robert on Autopia at Disneyland
oddharmonic: Family portrait, 1983
oddharmonic: Robert at the Atlanta Zoo
oddharmonic: Robert's first fishing catch
oddharmonic: Three generations of Crawfords
oddharmonic: Robert on a jetty
oddharmonic: Robert smiling for the camera
oddharmonic: Robert's preschool graduation
oddharmonic: Christmas 1988
oddharmonic: Eating Cup 'O Noodles on a camping trip
oddharmonic: Robert, Bob and Crystal
oddharmonic: Robert with newborn Denice and Grandma Harmon
oddharmonic: Grandma Dorothy, Denice, Robert and Betty
oddharmonic: Robert and baby Denice
oddharmonic: Baby Denice pulling Robert's hair
oddharmonic: Robert and an invisible buddy