oddharmonic: Biko in Santa hat
oddharmonic: Biko in antlers
oddharmonic: Pokey inspects Laurel's airport dinner
oddharmonic: Pokey and Laurel do a little light reading
oddharmonic: Laurel and Pokey in Denver International Airport
oddharmonic: Laurel turning 'cartwheels' at our airport gate
oddharmonic: Laurel's Christmas morning waffle
oddharmonic: Melissa, Austin and Pokey
oddharmonic: Laurel's first Easy-Bake Oven product
oddharmonic: Laurel shoveling
oddharmonic: Pokey and Austin
oddharmonic: Amy, Austin and Pokey
oddharmonic: Laurel making a snow angel
oddharmonic: Laurel thrilled to be out in the snow
oddharmonic: Bravely tromping into deep snow
oddharmonic: Austin with Cheeto
oddharmonic: Laurel, a number 4 and Pokey.
oddharmonic: Laurel in city snow
oddharmonic: Pokey and the Denver skyline
oddharmonic: Laurel in Tattered Cover
oddharmonic: Dad, Pokey, Austin and some cherry sorbet
oddharmonic: Pokey and Laurel, Geek Squad Junior Agents
oddharmonic: The girls with giant gumballs
oddharmonic: Laurel and Sarah ready for sledding
oddharmonic: Laurel sledding
oddharmonic: Laurel carrying the sled
oddharmonic: Pokey in the frozen north!
oddharmonic: Another view of Pokey among the ice-people
oddharmonic: Sarah and Laurel sledding in the front yard
oddharmonic: Laurel eating snow