oddgirl: The EA Moscow office
oddgirl: TGIF
oddgirl: Going down to the subway
oddgirl: For Amy - Lush is everywhere too!
oddgirl: Outside Red Square
oddgirl: That colorful church from afar
oddgirl: Doestoevsky in front of the National Library
oddgirl: Russian Settlers of Catan
oddgirl: No clue what this building was
oddgirl: Interesting architecture juxtoposition
oddgirl: For Renatta
oddgirl: $7.50 for a venti latte
oddgirl: Statues outside an Irish pub. (?)
oddgirl: For Soren
oddgirl: the ripples of the skirt where pretty cool
oddgirl: Smoked fish at the Farmer's market
oddgirl: Everywhere
oddgirl: Sugared mushrooms. Ew.
oddgirl: Farmer's market pic
oddgirl: McDonalds are everywhere
oddgirl: My hotel
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