oddesy2: Letaba Male with wildebeest kill
oddesy2: Male lion
oddesy2: Feeding time
oddesy2: stubborn carcass
oddesy2: male Lion standing guard
oddesy2: Male lion
oddesy2: _IGP69155
oddesy2: _IGP69122
oddesy2: White-backed vulture
oddesy2: Elephant carcass (S46)
oddesy2: Steenbok
oddesy2: African Elephant
oddesy2: Impala lamb drinking
oddesy2: Scrub hare
oddesy2: Zebra
oddesy2: Hippo yawn
oddesy2: Zebra Portrait
oddesy2: Buffalo
oddesy2: Young Zebra and mother
oddesy2: what you looking at
oddesy2: nasty gash
oddesy2: Buffalo Herd
oddesy2: Young Zebra
oddesy2: Leopard Tortoise
oddesy2: pic-a-boo
oddesy2: Sable Dam
oddesy2: Tree Squirrel
oddesy2: on the lookout
oddesy2: Tree Squirrel_2
oddesy2: Tree Squirrel