octopus.gallery: house 02
octopus.gallery: house 03
octopus.gallery: house 04
octopus.gallery: house 06
octopus.gallery: house 05
octopus.gallery: house 07
octopus.gallery: house 08
octopus.gallery: house 09
octopus.gallery: house 10
octopus.gallery: house 11
octopus.gallery: house 12
octopus.gallery: house 13
octopus.gallery: house 16
octopus.gallery: house 17
octopus.gallery: house 18
octopus.gallery: best lamp ever!
octopus.gallery: Huh, the counter tops are green
octopus.gallery: upper deck
octopus.gallery: should have used flash
octopus.gallery: dinning room
octopus.gallery: the yellow must go
octopus.gallery: this wallpaper must die
octopus.gallery: fugly halfbath
octopus.gallery: another blurry photos of storage space
octopus.gallery: blurry photos of storage space
octopus.gallery: basement fireplace
octopus.gallery: backyard from basement
octopus.gallery: biiiiiiiiiig closet, one of two
octopus.gallery: The lake, such as it is
octopus.gallery: my woods