octopus.gallery: Texas cichlid
octopus.gallery: Freaky floating frogs
octopus.gallery: Angelfish at the Shedd
octopus.gallery: Aulonocare Rubesens red
octopus.gallery: My eyes! My eyes!
octopus.gallery: Spotted gar
octopus.gallery: Large mouth bass
octopus.gallery: Large fish
octopus.gallery: Pennsylvanian Waters
octopus.gallery: Leafy seadragon
octopus.gallery: Leafy seadragon
octopus.gallery: Boeseman's Rainbowfish
octopus.gallery: Rainbowfish rush hour
octopus.gallery: Pittsburgh cories
octopus.gallery: German Blue ram
octopus.gallery: Giant bleeding heart tetras
octopus.gallery: Asia biotope
octopus.gallery: Hermit crab
octopus.gallery: Funky sea fish
octopus.gallery: Small pleco hiding and munching on driftwood.
octopus.gallery: Freshwater ray
octopus.gallery: Freshwater ray
octopus.gallery: Large pleco
octopus.gallery: Giant cory? swimming into the deep
octopus.gallery: Pretty South American cichlid
octopus.gallery: "Sluuuuuuuurp"
octopus.gallery: Redtail catfish
octopus.gallery: What *is* that?