Octopus P Scott:
87002 At Euston
Octopus P Scott:
50049 & 50007 at Crewe
Octopus P Scott:
50049 & 50007 at Crewe
Octopus P Scott:
50007 and 50049 Dropping onto The Caledonian at Crewe
Octopus P Scott:
The Boys Are Vac in Town
Octopus P Scott:
Panoramic View of the Fifties after arrival at Glasgow Central
Octopus P Scott:
50007 at Glasgow
Octopus P Scott:
D407 at Glasgow
Octopus P Scott:
The hoovers at Glasgow Central
Octopus P Scott:
Waiting to depart from Glasgow.
Octopus P Scott:
The fifties at Crewe
Octopus P Scott:
The fifties at Crewe
Octopus P Scott:
87002 at Crewe