Octoferret: Eva Ht 12
Octoferret: Pierge Street?
Octoferret: No respect for Ingalls
Octoferret: Missing an N
Octoferret: 15th Sheet?
Octoferret: 80 years out of date
Octoferret: Lamton
Octoferret: 1LL1ZO1S
Octoferret: Not anymore it's not
Octoferret: backwardS
Octoferret: Handwritten, misspelled
Octoferret: O.Farral
Octoferret: Reversed
Octoferret: That ordinal indicator is incorrect!
Octoferret: Abbreviated
Octoferret: Tamalp1s
Octoferret: Z1st Street
Octoferret: Shreadea
Octoferret: Ravioli?
Octoferret: There's a letter missing
Octoferret: Balba
Octoferret: Still not right
Octoferret: 46th Street
Octoferret: Not any city in Italy
Octoferret: Point Lopo s
Octoferret: Improvised lettering
Octoferret: TS DRAWOH
Octoferret: Not even close