october blue (away): Aug23,2006c sunset
october blue (away): Aug24,2006sunrise
october blue (away): Aug23,2006a sunset Lake Hefner, Oklahoma
october blue (away): blue twilight
october blue (away): sept20,2006 sunset
october blue (away): sept8,2006f sunset
october blue (away): sept8,2006e sunset
october blue (away): sept8,2006c sunset
october blue (away): sept8,2006a sunset
october blue (away): sept20,2006
october blue (away): twilight time
october blue (away): sunset at the fishing pier
october blue (away): September sunset
october blue (away): winter sunrise
october blue (away): today's sunrise
october blue (away): colors of a new day
october blue (away): winter sunrise
october blue (away): winter sunrise
october blue (away): winter sunrise
october blue (away): Happy Easter
october blue (away): tall pines, winter sky
october blue (away): misty sunrise
october blue (away): the memory lingers ...
october blue (away): Arc of a new day
october blue (away): just before sunrise ...
october blue (away): winter sky before sunrise ...
october blue (away): misty sunrise
october blue (away): misty sunrise ...
october blue (away): sunrise in the mountains
october blue (away): blue summer sunrise ... happy swimmers