JKG II: Exit Planet Dust
JKG II: Temple Sanctuary
JKG II: Church of the Dusty Rhino
JKG II: Desert Life
JKG II: Playa Games
JKG II: Before the Burn
JKG II: All Aboard
JKG II: Night Temple
JKG II: Zen and the Art of Playa Surfing
JKG II: Bike Ghost
JKG II: Prowler
JKG II: Acid Tree
JKG II: ThunderDome
JKG II: Dead Soldiers
JKG II: Yoga Temple
JKG II: Boring
JKG II: The Road to the Burn
JKG II: Neon Gulper
JKG II: Flag Day
JKG II: Greetings
JKG II: The Love Boat
JKG II: Dust Brother
JKG II: Techno Rhino Burn
JKG II: Joy Inverted
JKG II: Helping Hands
JKG II: Blue Burn
JKG II: Tigress
JKG II: Just Another Day on the Playa
JKG II: Church of the Disco Rhino