ocf035: DSCF4587
ocf035: DSCF4589
ocf035: YA~
ocf035: 好享受喔...(多多開始會裝表情了) so enjoy
ocf035: DSCF4607
ocf035: 多多與小馬 Pony time..
ocf035: 多多與海寶~好大一隻的海寶喔
ocf035: Dorothy's drawing
ocf035: 我跳~jump with grandparents
ocf035: 我跳~jump with grandparents
ocf035: 我跳~jump, Dorothy jumps alone.
ocf035: prepare for the Christmas tree
ocf035: wear the santa hat
ocf035: 帶熊熊出來吃麵麵
ocf035: 等好吃的薯條上來喔
ocf035: 好高興喔
ocf035: 不給你拍喔@_@
ocf035: 吃成這樣喔
ocf035: 笑的好高興喔~
ocf035: 剛剛下完小雨
ocf035: 吃飽了,打道回府.
ocf035: 電視兒童看到呆
ocf035: 電視兒童看到呆 watching too much TV.......
ocf035: 電視兒童看到呆
ocf035: 多兒滾
ocf035: DSC_8556
ocf035: 出發去賣鏡頭
ocf035: 臉圓圓
ocf035: 逛大街喔~
ocf035: huge Christmas tree